Strategic Planning Direction

Ensuring a bright future for the planet and to contribute to feeding the projected 20% population increase to circa 10 billion people by 2050, will require an integrated innovation and stewardship of the entire supply chain, along with a deep engagement with consumers to gain their trust and maximise adoption of consuming all things plant based.

The 10 point strategic plan draft is our starting point. Being a new association, consultation with our board of advisors and our new membership base along with building consultative relationships with all industry stakeholders will help shape and build priorites across the 10 point strategic plan draft over the next 6 months.

One thing is clear the APBA has a clear vision to build and connect the entire supply chain to help position members for growth, flowing to heigtened consumer adoption of all things FMCG plant based. We have a dedicated commercial perspective in eveything we do, this will not dilute our contribution to the important role of advocay, but without consumer adoption of existing and new innovative plant based FMCG product we cant deliver tanagble benefits to our members, this is our primary focus.

The net result of this focus on consumer adoption is building change that we need to achieve a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable food system.

A detailed strategic plan mapping our missions, priorities, and objectives that will guide the APBA into the future will follow our upcoming Plant Based Summit on July 17th 2023. Where collecting member expectation and prioroties will be gathered, to ensure our apporach is colloboartive instead of a top down driven process. We have a vision but this will be influenced and validated by our members.